API authentication and authorization tool for scaling services

Generate, verify, and manage API keys in seconds. It's built with security, ease of usage, performance, and scalability in mind.

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Trusted by global brands

Core Features

Generate, verify, and manage API keys in seconds. It's built with security, ease of usage, performance, and scalability in mind.


Manage API keys in seconds

You can create multiple workspaces with a single account and generate as many API keys with your choice rules.

Time limited keys

Time limited keys

Manage keys that have a limited lifespan.

Rate limiting

Rate limiting

Limit the interval of verifying a key.

Capped Usage

Capped Usage

Manage keys that have a maximum number of usage.

IP whitelisting

IP whitelisting

Allow your choice IP addresses to have access to your services.

Integration and usage

Framework agnostic

Integration with your framework of choice is as simple as a curl request.

Integration preview

Control your API keys

Create your keys and set your rules. We will take care of the rest.